BELONG Tour Web - About Us

BELONG is for every woman—for conservatives and liberals, young and old, married and single, those who go to church and those who don’t, women of every background and race. We call it BELONG because you do. Your friends do. Your neighbors do. Your colleagues do. We are setting a big table with enough room for you and your people. Those with fragile hearts. Your daughters. Your sisters. Those who are confused or mad, or passionate or scared or . . . you fill in the blank. We will hold your stories with tender hands. We are women who have struggled and hoped to love God in the midst of life, which can be very, very hard. We are absolutely here for you. This is where you BELONG.

Talk Like . . . a Pirate?

Ahoy, matey! Shiver me timbers and all that. It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of . . . whatever you’re feeling. Talking like a pirate is fun because—unless you actually are a pirate—most of us don’t do it every day. Most days, you probably talk like a . . . whatever it is you are. Have you ever noticed that we all have our own lingo? There are words and phrases we use with some people that others we know wouldn’t “get” at all.